goodbye linkedin
i've decided to delete my linkedin account. in fact next month marks the 6th month since i deleted my linkedin account. i haven't found myself in search for a job just yet and i promise to update this blog once i do, but it seems that so far nothing of value was lost. if anything, i have now one less feed to doomscroll in my life :)
and it's not just about linkedin although it does seem that most content there has that disingenuous vibe.
what about the others? #
i still have an instagram account, a facebook account, a hackernews account and an x account. instagram is my source of memes and a way to signal loved ones living abroad that i am still here, i've considered deleting that a couple times in the past and i'll probably consider it again in six months time. hackernews and x are the apps i use to follow the latest in tech, society and the rare but delightful philosophical shitposting.
facebook is the one account i've had the longest and it remains the hardest one to let go of, first it was the depedency on their messenger app which i successfully dropped in favour of the other zuck-owned messenger app. then it was the social/memes-shaped hole that later got replaced with the other zuck-owned social/memes app. hopefully meta will soon release standalone apps for marketplace and groups!
- Previous: the reverse truman show problem